
Mark the First Day of Spring with FREE Italian Ice!

For the past 16 years, Rita's has been giving away a free, regular size Italian Ice to each and every guest to mark the first day of spring! This is a sweet date for Italian Ice lovers, as each year, hundreds of thousands of our guests visit Rita's in search of the first taste of spring.

A Philadelphia-born springtime tradition, the 17th annual Rita's giveaway will be held on Friday, March 20, 2009 from noon to 10 p.m. at participating Rita's locations.

Hope to see you at Rita's!!


HIPAP has moved!

Just in case you are wondering where I have been....You can now pinch pennies with me at www.howipinchapenny.com.  I have my own domain name!  Be sure to click on the JOIN tab and let me know you made it over!


Free Spring Samples!

Who wants some free samples for spring!? I do!! I do!!  Click the above link and get a enjoy some freebies.


Get $4.99 back from Kellogg's when you take the 10 Day Challenge

Try the Kellogg's All-Bran 10 Day Challenge and get a rebate on one of the products shown up to a $4.99 value. Complete the form provided and mail all of the requested materials in with the form to receive your FREE rebate. FORM


Walgreens Sunday Shopping .12 out of pocket!

I feel like I have hit the mother load.  I know there are other couponing mom's out there who have done better but for me this is a big deal.  What you see on my couch I got for .12.  That is right.  Less than a quarter.  My husband tells me they are going to ban me from Walgreens!

Here is how I did it.

Fruitics shampoo and conditioners
on sale for $2.99 each
In store coupon $2.00
Coupon from the sunday paper$1.00 ( I had 5 of them!)

Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Lasting Impressions 
$7.99 each
B1G1F coupon found HERE
In store coupon for $4.00 of each one!
*print 2 of the coupons ( that is the limit ) 
**be sure to give the B1G1F THEN the in store coupon

Glade Sense Spray Motion Activated
B1G1F coupon found HERE
In store coupon for $4.00 of each one!
*print 2 of the coupons ( that is the limit )
**be sure to give the B1G1F THEN the in store coupon

Huggies Wipes
On sale for $6
$5 coupon found Here: Coupons.com

Johnson & Johnson Red Cross travel kits
$1.50 each
$3 off any J&J Red Cross purchase found Here
*I think that coupon is no longer available but it is a great resource!

Colgate Toothpaste
$2.50 coupon found in the Sunday Paper

Here is the bottom part of my receipt:

I had an overage...see the sub total at -2.10?  Then there was tax....6%  My total out of pocket was .12.  My savings was $115.93.  That is pinching pennies my friends!

MMM Warm Delights

Click the link above to get a free sample of Betty Crocker Warm Delights.  Ohhh I could go for some right now!

FREE Popcorn at IMAX Theaters

If you are like me you have the mid winter blues.  Get out with the kidos or your sweetie and go see a movie with free popcorn!
Print and redeem this coupon at your local IMAX AMC theatre to receive a FREE popcorn. This coupon expires April 16, 2009!  LINK


$5 Off Any Bag of AvoDerm Dog Food - Printable Coupon

Print out coupon for your $5 savings on AvoDerm dog food. Coupon expires April 30, 2009.  Don't have a dog? Donate it to your local animal shelter.

Save On Pampers

Pampers Coupon
Fill out short form to receive a free coupon for $1.50 towards your next purchase of Pampers. Click on the image above to go straight to the site.


Want a sneak peak?

The Coupon Clippers
Want a sneak peak of what the coupons will be in this Sunday's paper?  Click the icon above and it will give you a peak of what will be in your paper. Once you are there click on the paw print that is labeled "TRACKER".  Start planing! 

FREE Kashi Frozen Entree

Coupon Good For a FREE Kashi Frozen Entree

Complete the form provided for your coupon for a FREE Kashi frozen entree. Limit one coupon per family, household, address, or email address. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.  HERE is you link.


Free Diet Dr. Pepper

Click the link and fill out the form and Dr. Pepper will send you a coupon for a free 2 liter or a free 20 oz. of Diet Dr. Pepper.  Can you guess which one I signed up for?  It takes 4-6 weeks for your coupon to ship.  I can wait can you?  If you are not a fan of Dr. Pepper you can always donate it to your local food bank.

Free Classical Baby Music Download

I can't remember where I found THIS link but click on it and you are able to download 2 separate classical music albums for baby.  They are just snippets of the whole song but it is nice to have it on as background music.  I am always looking for nice music to have on for my girls while they play.  This is a nice addition to my iTunes collection!

images from Munchkin.com

Get a FREE $10 Coupon Book From Dinner Made Easy!

Dinner Made Easy is offering a lot of savings on some of their most popular brands. Sign up for the Dinner Made Easy email newsletter and get tasty 30 minute meal ideas your family will love. As a bonus Betty Crocker will send a free booklet packed with $10 in coupon savings. Fill in the form and submit for your FREE coupon booklet.  Click on the image above to go to the site!


Week of 3/3 Walgreens - what I got for FREE

The above products are what I got for free from Walgreens.
The Axe hair putty was 5.99
FREE after rebate

Walgreens 20 ct. headache relief was 2.99
FREE after rebate

Dawn was 1.99
walgreens flyer coupon for .99
Coupon for 1.00 off 

As you can tell this was  FREE purchase after I get my rebate!  YIPPIE.  Free is my favorite 4 letter "F" word!

Red Box March Madness Wednesday Freebie Code

Redblog Free Movie Wednesday Code

Wednesdays just got a little better with redblog and Free Movie Wednesdays!
Every Wednesday in March, visit redblog to get a code for a free night's rental, good for that day only.

March 4th Free Movie Wednesday Code*
Stop by a redbox near you and enter code: 75EA16

Want a free redbox rental every Monday?
Sign up for Free Movie Mondays with redbox SMS alerts and get a free code sent to your mobile phone every Monday!  Great for when you are about and about and in need of a free movie.

*Good for one free night's rental. Code expires at midnight Central Time.

$10 coupon for the Leapfrog Tag Reading System

Here is a coupon for $10 off any Tag reading system AND $4 off any Tag book.  Great coupon!  Even better if you can find either of these items on clearance.  My 4 year old received the Tag system for Christmas and she LOVES it!  The 22 month old has even figured out how to get it started and have it make noise at her. While you are there, join the 1 million hours of reading pledge.


My Deals at Wal Mart Today

I was in Wal* Mart today and I got the above items for FREE.  Here is how I did it.
Purina Dog biscuits  2.84
I used THIS coupon for 3.50 off.  You do need to sign up and there is a short survey BUT they will also donate $1 worth of purina pet food towards a participating animal shelter in your area when you redeem the coupon.  Print the coupon twice.  

I got $1.32 as the remainder after coupon.  I was able to apply that to the rest of my bill.

The Yo Plus was on sale for $2.08
Printable coupon for $1.50 HERE
Total out of pocket  .58

The Degree deodorants were $1.97 each
I had 2 coupons for $2 off... 
I got paid .06 to take those out the door!

Restaurant.com Promo Code Included!

Restaurant.com has another code for you to save even more!  Use CHEF and save 50%!  It can be used on both of their most popular products, Dinner of the Month Club and the $25 Gift Certificates. This offer is valid March 3rd through March 9th!

Take 50% Off with every order of Dinner of the Month Club purchase. Use the code CHEF thru 3/9/09.

Take 50% Off with every order of $25 Gift Certificates. Use code CHEF and pay $5 thru 3/9/09.

Don't Cry... Smile A Word Art Freebie

I think this is a wonderful quote.  There are so many applications that can be used for.  When a loved one passes away, when the school dance you anticipated is over or the flowers you got for your anniversary die.  It is such a 'cup half full' quote.  

This is why we take pictures and put together scrap books.  Or at least that is why I do, to look back and smile at the memory made.  How do you plan on using this quote?


March Madness ~ Red Box Style

It's March Movie Madness for redbox, so get in the game… on Wednesdays! Visit redblog every Wednesday in March for your Free Movie Wednesday code. Then visit your local redbox kiosk for your FREE 1 NIGHT's RENTAL.

I received the above in an e-mail and had to share it with you.  Check it out and pinch another penny with Red Box!

image from redblog.com

Click to Save Additional 10% on Vera Bradley

Vera Bradley Designs, Inc.

Click on the above image and save an additional 10% on already-reduced SALE items at verabradley.com. Use code SALE4SPRING during checkout. Offer beings on Monday, March 2 and ends March 8.

If you love Vera Bradley as much as I do you will see how this offer helps you pinch your pennies!

My Review of My Pic Tales Book ~ Belle this is for you!

I am quite pleased with my 8x8 book I orderd from mypictales.com.  The book came wrapped in a cello bag and was tightly fit in to its packing box.  The cover was so nice!  I wasn't sure what to expect when I did a custom cover.  I did  simple black cover with our names on the back and the title on the front.  Instead of being limited to a few standard fonts I was able to use a font that I had in my library of fonts.  Such personalization!  I would say the cover felt laminated but I know that is not the technical term.  It is comparable to the lovely coffee table books you are able to buy in a book store. I think this year I am going to play around with a few ideas and try something different and more challenging with my cover.

At first I was a little unhappy with the quality of the print of the pages at first glance.  I had saved everything in 300 DPI and the highest quality I could.  The pages had a bit of a grainy look to them.  I pulled out the Shutterfly book I had made last year and compared the pages.  The My Pic Tales book was equal if not better quality in comparison to the Shutterfly book. I guess technology for printing for the every day book maker had not caught up to my expectations.  I can live with that.

The pages seem to be securely affixed to the binding and the quality of the paper has withstood my 2 year old looking through it (with supervision).  The edges of the pages are cleanly cut and not jagged at all.  Nice and crisp.  The whole feel of the book just oozes quality. 

My 2009 family album will be slightly different.  I have learned about bleed, canvas size, trim and safety zone.  My Pic Tales has a wonderful tutorial HERE.  It lays out all the dimensions and cutting zones so your precious pages are able to be printed in all their glory.  I had a few questions in my uploading and ordering my book and the staff was super fast at getting back to me with an easy answer.  I was able to take advantage of a coupon code found on the front page and save even more on the already awesome value of My Pic Tales.

I will be ordering from My Pic Tales again in the future and will point all my digital friend to them for their printing needs.  Go check them out and have your memories printed and bound with quality.

Photo from Mypictales.com

FREE Movie Monday - Red Box

It is Monday!!!! You know what that means....FREE MOVIE FROM RED BOX!!!! Here is your code:MS72K3. Press the 'redeem code' button and use the code I gave you. you do have to insert a credit card but that is just so if you don't return it by 9 pm Tuesday they will charge you $1.

We are having a snow day at my house. As soon as my husband digs us out we are going to go to Red Box!

Don't Frown - Word Art

I found this quote and knew there had to be on someone out there that needed it to complete the perfect page.  Enjoy and show some love.


Twitter Moms: The Influential Moms Network

Save That Hard Brown Sugar

Photo: Shutterstock

Yesterday my mom brought me a brick of brown sugar.  You could have hurt someone with it, that is how hard it was!  She was at a loss as to what to do with it.  She was going to throw it out but figured I could use it in a chili or something.  

This was a perfect opportunity to try a remedy I had heard of but never tried.  I used a cut piece of apple and added it to the sealed container.  With in a few hours the edge of the brick was softening.  It took just under 24 hours and it was better than new!

What a great way of pinching pennies!  Instead of tossing it I was able to save it and save my mom some money.  I am returning her sugar to her the next time I see her.

Jesus Loves Me - Word Art

Here is another word art for you.  I was thinking of my girls and what I would want to have  in a word art for their scrap books.   I hope you get good use out of it!


First Five

I was fortunate enough to be one of the first five commenter's on Lisa's Creative Corner goodies giveaway. Now, it's my turn to pay it forward. The first five people to respond to this post will get a word art made especially for them!  The quote of your choice!   This offer does have a few “rules of play”:

1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make --- but I hope you do!
2- What I create will be just for you --- one of a kind!  It will not be a freebie up for grabs...so make it what you want it to be!
3- It'll be done sometime this year (most likely it will be in the next month).
4- You have no say in the graphics other than the quote or saying.
5-The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog!

So....who will be the first 5 people?

Even if you aren't in my first five, why not start this on your blog, too? Spread more love FASTER! Ready, set.....who will the first five be??

Shabby Princess does it again!

Shabby Princess has done it again.  An awesome, FREE desktop wallpaper that you can personalize with your own picture!  Just slide in the picture, save and make it your desktop!!  The above picture is what I will be seeing for the next month on my computer.  Isn't it cute!?  All I did was slide my picture into it.  Go HERE and download it and enjoy.  Also they have a new freebie kit HERE.  Leave some love and enjoy.

Home Made Silly Putty

I was doing my blog surfing thing and I found THIS  blogger.  Check them out.  I am sure you will be visiting them often like I will be!

Butter Spread

I am a butter person. I love butter. "Butter is better" is my motto. Coming from a culinary background this is what is engrained in us from the beginning. Quality ingredients equals a quality product. But there are times when I don't want to wait for the butter to soften or I forget to put it out for the rolls. So I suck it up and use the spread stuff. Not the same but it does the job in a pinch.

We all know a great way to pinch pennies is to buy in bulk (most of the time).   I look longingly at the value of the big bulk of butter spread thinking, "what a great way to pinch pennies", but I don't want a 3 lb tub of hydrogenated oil sitting on my dinner table.  So I have surpassed it up until now.  I had this realization that I COULD but the big tub but I could transfer part of it into a cute covered crock.  I rarely use the crock but I love it.  Now I have killed multiple birds with one stone!  I got my value, I get to use a serving piece I rarely use and I get spreadable butter-like spread on demand.


My Walgreens Deal 2/27

I am getting better and better at this coupon stacking thing.  Let me tell you about my deals pictured above.
Transaction 1
Gillette Gammer Razor   on sale 8.99
MFG coupon -4.00
Gillette 2.5 oz shave gel  clearance 1.29
MFG coupon -1.00
Total    with tax 5.90

The razor was apart of a Register Rewards.  Once I paid it printed out a $6.00 coupon.  To be used like cash on my next purchase.  So after tax they paid me .10 to take these two items out of the store!

Transaction 2  
Excedrin Migraine 24 ct.       on sale 1.99
MFG coupon                                       -2.00      

Johnson & Johnson Red Cross First aid kits   2@ 1.49
MFG coupon                 save $3.00 on 2 items

Oust Air sanitizes           on sale   2.99
MFG coupon B1G1F
                  1.50 each

Mitchum 2.5 oz deodorant     2@  4.99 each
walgreens in store coupon 2@  1.99 each
  2 for $4.00

6 Hershey candy bars              .89 each
walgreens B1G1F coupon
6 for  2.10

redeem my $6.00 RR from transaction #1  -$6.00

When it was all said and done I paid $4.19 with tax.  Now I could have paid less if I had not gotten a deodorant but my husband uses this brand exclusively and now I don't need to buy deodorant for the rest of the year.  And it was GREAT price.  Not as good as free but a great price for that brand.  I could have lowered my bill more but my daughter and I are going to see the play "Annie" tonight and I wanted her to have a snack or two to take along.  And I wanted my mom to have a chocolate bar to take with her on the drive home.  Thanks for watching my kids while I did the coupon dance mom!

Rite Aid Kotex Deal

I was in Rite Aid today to try and get my Soy Joy bars for free but they were out of them yet again.  Wonder why they were out? (roll eyes)  So I had a few minuted to peruse the isles and see what penny pinching I could do.  Pictured above is the deal I found.  

Normally 2 boxes would cost $8 (rounded up).  After rebate, store special and coupon I will be getting them for $1.50 a box.  Not bad.  That is 64% off.  I will take it.

Rice Bag For Sore Muscles

I was talking with a friend last night and she was saying how her shoulder was just aching her.  It was keeping her up at night and it was well....a pain in the neck.  I had asked her if she had a rice bag for it and she looked at me like I was crazy.  Rice bags are awesome!  It is a cotton bag filled 1/2 way with rice and you heat it in the microwave.  
The heat is so good for 
  • sore muscles
  • breast feeding moms to help with engorgement
  • arthritis
  • fibromyalgia
  • keeping your feet warm in bed
  • relieving sinus pressure and pain
The wonderful thing is this is such a penny pinching project!!  Use a clean, hole-free tube sock and fill it 1/2 way with dry rice. Knot it or sew it shut and microwave it 1-2 minutes, depending on the size of the sock and the strength of your microwave.

Another project is to sew a square or rectangle with 1/4" seams.  Turn inside out and fill 1/2 way with dry rice.  Sew the fill hope shut and microwave as directed above.

Rice bags make wonderful gifts.  Use pretty fabric and add lavender oil or tea tree oil to the rice before you add it to the bag.  Once microwaved you will have the added benefits of the essential oils!

Here are some pictures of my 4 year old making a rice bag for my friend.  Yes, I allowed a 4 year old use a sewing machine.  I was right there talking her through the whole thing.  She even signed her work and I wrote the microwaving instructions on the bag so she would know exactly what to do.


Once you choose hope, anything's possible - link fixed

This is my latest word art freebie!  I am loving making these!  Click  HERE  to download it.  Sorry the link wasn't working before.

Read This Article from Wise Bread

THIS is an awesome article from one of my favorite blogs, Wise Bread.  Go read it....It has some wonderful tips and hints.  I would love to tell you I think one idea is better than another but they are all just wonderful!  Check them out.


What To Do With Your Left Over Donuts

Photo from Food Network
In case you missed it yesterday was fasnacht day or Fat Tuesday. If you splurged and got a few dozen and didn't eat them all in one sitting (like I usually do!) you now have day old doughnuts. What to so what to do... what to do?! Make another fattening dessert! In case you haven't make it THIS is a recipe for Paula Dean's bread pudding featuring Krispy Kreme donuts. If you don't have the KK any glazed donuts will work nicely.  Once you make it just forget about all the fat that is in the recipe.  You will enjoy the pudding more!

Pay only $2 for a $25 gift certificate at Restaurant.com expires 2/28

Click on this link and pay only $2 for a $25 gift certificate at Restaurant.com
Certificates do not expire for a full year, stock up now!
It's not too early to think about Mother's Day and Father's Day gifts at this price.
Be sure to use code: DINE

If you missed out on the Valentine's Special today is a great day to get an awesome deal!

Now Save 80% Off with every order of $25 Gift Certificates. Use code DINE and pay $2 thru 2/28/09.

Quiznos is Giving Away 1 Million Subs

Quiznos is giving away one million small subs! Awesome.  You know how I feel about FREE! Go HERE  and sign up for your coupon to be e-mailed to you.  I got mine within a few minutes delivered into my e-mail box.  But be aware that my gmail account flagged it as spam and I had to go digging for it.  There are a few restrictions.  You have to use the coupon with in 5 days of printing it.  You have to show photo ID when you redeem it. You can not use it on a combo deal.  You will have to pay tax on your purchase. Void if copied. Limit one coupon per person for the promotion.  

If you can live with these restrictions then you get your free sub!  I have my coupon printed out and sitting next to me. I can't wait till lunch tomorrow!


IHOP and National Pancake Day

February 24, 2009

Join IHOP to celebrate National Pancake Day on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., we’ll give you one free short stack (three) of our famous buttermilk pancakes.* All we ask is that you consider making a donation to support local children’s hospitals through Children’s Miracle Network, or other local charities.

In 2008, you helped IHOP celebrate National Pancake Day by raising more than $875,000 for charity. In 2009, we hope that together we can top that by giving away enough free pancakes to raise $1,000,000 for Children’s Miracle Network and other local charities. To find an IHOP location near you, please click here.

* There is a limit of one free short stack per guest. The offer is valid at participating restaurants for dine-in only while supplies last and is not valid with any other offer, special coupon or discount.

About National Pancake Day

Known also as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, National Pancake Day dates back several centuries to when the English prepped for fasting during Lent. Strict rules prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and other dairy products…hence the name Pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday.

Since beginning its National Pancake Day celebration in 2006, IHOP has raised nearly two million dollars to support charities in the communities in which it operates. With your help, we hope to raise $1,000,000 for Children’s Miracle Network in 2009!

The above information was found on the IHOP website.  I only wish we has an IHOP with in driving distance!  Enjoy!

A.C. Moore coupons!

I went to the A.C.Moore website and clicked on the button at the top that says "click here for coupons, class schedules and locations".  Type in your zip code and see what coupons are available at your location.  The above coupons are available at my location.  I hope they are available at your location. They are great coupons! Especially the one worth 50% off any item!



From Wikipedia:
Fasnachts, Fastnachts or Faschnachts are a fatty doughnut treat served traditionally on Fastnacht Day, the day before Lent starts. Fasnachts were produced as a way to empty the pantry of lard, sugar, fat and butter, which were forbidden during Lent. Some English-speaking Protestants tend to refer to the day as Shrove Tuesday, and many consume pancakes as an alternative.
The German word Fasnacht literally translates as "chamfering night". Authentic fasnachts are typically cut into squares or rectangles, producing a chamfered edge, as opposed to doughnuts which are round with holes in the center.

Currently upstairs I have a batch of fasnachts rising on the table.  I am itching to get up there and cut and fry them.  But with baking it takes time and patients. So I wait and I blog. And hopefully you will benefit my waiting and make yourself some yummy treats before the start of Lent.

THIS is the recipe I used. Here it is:


2 cups milk
1 cup mashed potatoes (no salt, milk, or butter added)
1/2 cup sugar + 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 stick margarine
1 packet rapid rise yeast
1/4 cup lukewarm water
6-1/2 cups flour (divided, 2 cups + 4 1/2 cups)
1 egg
1-1/2 tsp. salt
1can (3 pounds) Crisco®
or similar vegetable shortening for frying

Scald the milk. In a large mixing bowl, combine the scalded milk with the mashed potatoes. Add 1/2 cup sugar plus the margarine. Mix with an electric mixer. If the mixture is still warm, cool to about room temperature before proceeding with next step. - Dissolve the yeast and 1/2 teaspoon sugar in barely warm water. Add to the potato mixture and mix well. Add 2 cups flour and mix again. Cover with a towel and let rise for 25 minutes.

Add the salt and beaten egg to the mixture. Add 4-1/2 cups flour, stirring it into the mixture with a large spoon. Turn onto a well floured board and knead for about 3 to 5 minutes. Add a small amount of extra flour if necessary so the dough can be handled without sticking to your fingers. Grease a large bowl. Place the dough in the greased bowl. Cover with a thin towel, and let rise in a warm, draft free place for about 2 hours or until it is at least double in size.

On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough 3/4" thick. You can use a doughnut cutter to cut the dough or cut as typical Fastnachts - Cut the dough into 3" to 4" wide strips, then cut the strips into 3" to 4" pieces. To allow the center of Fastnacht to fry completely, cut a small slit in the center of each piece, using a sharp paring knife. Arrange the pieces of dough, about 1-1/2" to 2" apart, on large wax paper lined trays. Cover each tray with a thin towel. Place the trays in a warm place for 45 minutes to an hour, or until the dough pieces have raised to about double in size.

Heat the shortening to 365º. Deep fry until both sides are golden brown, turning one time. Drain on white paper towels. Cool completely before serving. Store in a covered, airtight container. Makes about 20 to 24 Fastnachts, depending on size.

This recipe can be doubled with no change in preparation directions.

To use this raised doughnut recipe, for glazed doughnuts:
Beat together: 2-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar, 4 tablespoons margarine and 1
teaspoon vanilla. Add enough milk to make a thin glaze. Drizzle the glaze over the
slightly warm doughnuts or dip the doughnuts in the glaze.

For powdered doughnuts:
Shake slightly warm doughnuts in a bag with confectioners' sugar, or a combination
of confectioners' sugar and cinnamon.

Feb. 24 only 50% of Bionaire Cool Mist Humidifier

I recieved this in an e-mail and just had to share it with you.  I you were thinking of purchasing a Bionaire cool mist humidifier tomorrow is the day.  Click the following link and you will save 50%.

One Day Only! Save 50% OFF the Bionaire Medium Room Cool Mist Humidifier on February 24!

** I just checked and the regular price is $50....50% off would be $25...plus shipping. GREAT deal!!!! there you go Christie!

FREE Movie Monday - Red Box

It is Monday!!!!  You know what that means....FREE MOVIE FROM RED BOX!!!!  Here is your code:S39XKT.  Press the 'redeem code' button (I think that is what the button is called) and use the code I gave you.  you do have to insert a credit card but that is just so if you don't return it by 9 pm Tuesday they will charge you $1.

Thanks so much!

A few days ago I posted asking to see how many were pinching pennies with me, what the consensus was about the blog and what people wanted to see more on the blog.  I was overwhelmed with the compliments, the encouragement and the support!  Thank you so much.  It just warms my heart that people visit the blog and makes me feel all puffed up inside with pride that people left such wonderful compliments and suggestions.  

From the suggestions left on the comments I have looked into the awesome deals at CVS...post to come soon!  And Belle, I am working on our request for my reaction to the My Pic Tales book I made.  Coming soon just for you.

Don't forget to check me out on Facebook and now Twitter.  I am new at Twitter so bare with me as I muddle my way and learn how to tweet!


A Sunday of Deals

My oldest daughter and I did the rounds of the drug stores this afternoon and did our best to snap up as many deals as we could! Once she got over the fact that she was not going to be able to get everything she laid eyes on, we had a good time. Here are the deals we were able to pick up:


No Rub Solution: 1.99
Revlon Cream Gloss: 9.99
Fruitics: 3.99( -1.00 MFG coupon) 2.99
Revlon Concealer (foundation pictures) 9.99
Total : 26.40 (with taxes)

All 4 of these items I will be getting for FREE! They are apart of the Walgreens Easy Saver Catalog.  After I come home and plug in my receipt to the rebate center on Walgreens and they will send me a check in the mail for 24.96. ( I still have to pay sales tax)  I will take these items for $1.44 out of pocket!

Rite Aid
as advertised the Fruitics flowing waves products are FREE after rebate.

I was able to get a shampoo, conditioner and a styling product.  I did have to do 3 separate transactions and I don't think the clerk was entirely happy about it but I wasn't breaking any rules and she did it any way. I also had a coupon for $1 off a shampoo or conditioner!  So I saved more money on top of my free items! I did go home and submit my receipts on line and will wait for my rebate checks to come in the mail.

The trick to all of this is if your local drug store has these items in stock. In this case the early bird gets the deal.  Let me know how you made out with finding your deal!